Tuesday 20 October 2015

Vivian Maier Research

Vivian Maier Research:

Vivan uses reflection often using mirrors, however not all her work includes mirror use as some of the images there's barely any reflection used at all. Vivians work is art to some people, however to others it may not be. Everyone will approach Vivian's work with different perceptions (social/historical/cultural.) I believe Vivian's work is art as she's capturing everyday events in photos. I believe Vivian includes herself in these images as it makes her unique, due to the fact nobody else includes themselves in their own photos. In addition, it was due to her loneliness. Vivian had no family, and she wanted to be remembered, consequently she photographed herself so she would be remembered in her images.
This image is not a photograph of Vivian; however, we could conclude that this is how she wishes she was, young again and carefree. Contrasting her current situation of loneliness. 

I like this image below as the reflection of the mirrors appears to create a tunnel. This could symbolise a tunnel in which Vivian wishes to travel down as she is lonely. This image also create a slightly creepy appeal as in the mirrors in the background she is seen to have her back towards the mirror, then she's facing it.

In this image Vivian is looking into what appears to be shop window, and photographs this so you can see her reflection. Vivian is expressing a monotone expression, which allows us to see her loneliness, as if she was happy and not lonely she would be smiling, not showing no emotion. This image almost creates a spooky atmosphere, as you do not know what she is starring at in the reflection. 

This image is similar to the one above, however in this image she is joined by a young girl. The girl and Vivian appear to have no relationship, as they do not appear to be close, or looking at each other. Both Vivian and the girl have monotone expressions. This image almost creates the sense that the girl is an imaginary friend of Vivian's, as Vivian is not looking at her- creating the question is the young girl really there?

This photograph is not of Vivian, but it's of a man whom appears to be homeless, and alone. This may be how Vivian possible views herself, as she usually focuses on self-portraits, therefore she may be implying this is her, as she too is lonely. 

1 comment:

  1. well done, yet again some strong insights, I liked the mirror picture you selected and your interpretation..
