Tuesday 13 October 2015

Colour Manipulation

Colour Manipulation:

 1) using the quick selection tool, select the area you wish to change 
 2) click invert 
 3) select the image adjustment layer, then inverse
 4) click select, then deselect
 5) at the bottom sleet adjustment then hue/saturation 
 6) Play around with the levels till you get the desired colour 
 7) Close Hue/Saturation tab and save image

In the image below i made the background go black & white, highlighting the pinkness of the flowers. I originally edited the image (above), but i then edited it further (below) as i wanted to have more pink flowers highlighted, this makes the image more interesting as a whole. 

I changed the saturation of the colour of the sign (image above) and made it into brighter, saturated colours (image below.)  By making the background black & white it makes it easier to focus on the saturated colours of green and pink. The green and pink are complementary colours, which catches attention and draws your eye in.