Friday 23 October 2015

Work Diary&Progression- Reflection Studio


In today's lesson we were given the task of photographing the element reflection in the studio. This was the first time we had properly used the studio for a shoot of our own. This helped me learn how to set up in the studio and how to adapt thee lighting top suit my photographs. As it was one of my first times in the studio a lot of my photographs didn't turn out the way i specifically wanted. 

This is my best image of the day. I edited this image and placed an ordinary photo of Jasmine over the image of her holding a mirror. Therefore, it looks as if she's holding a picture of herself in the mirrors reflection. I edited this image on photoshop. If i was to shoot this again i would have a white backdrop to create more of a contrast from the background and jasmine herself. I would also change the opacity of the image so it looks more like a reflection in the mirror. Despite this, I do not like the shadow behind; I should have used my lighting more effectively in order to eliminate this. 

If i was to shoot again i would re-shoot this image. I like that the light is reflected however it appears blurry and is not a sharp, clear reflection. I like the dark background as it allows you to focus more on the mirror, and creates an almost weary appeal as too what could be reflected in the mirror. I also wish i photographed more of the reflection in the bottom half of the mirror as this would have expressed more reflection instead of just a dark background, which doesn't reflect much. 


If I was to reshoot I would like to focus on eyes, and the reflections they create. 

Progression in progress:

Final 5 Images- Reflection Studio

Reflection Contact Sheet- Studio

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Work Diary&Progression- Reflection


In today's lesson we were given the task of photographing the component reflection, I thought this would be extremely hard as if you're photographing reflective surfaces, then you would end up photographing yourself in the image too. However, once I got out and started shooting I realised you can explore reflection in various types of ways. 

An image I liked: 

I like this image as it clearly reflects the sky above. The structured and organised outset of the building doesn't distract your eye, it allows your eye to focus solely on the buildings reflection. The angle i photographed this image at compliments the reflection also as it allow us to feel as though we're looking up into the sky, when in reality we're looking forwards. I believe the right amount of lighting was also present- as if there was anymore light it would have reflected off the building and caused glare, preventing me from photographing the image. 
The image below is edited, and the above image is the original. I edited it lighter so it was easier to see the reflective service. 

An image I did not like:

This image is one i wish i could shoot again. If i shot this image again I'd photograph it in a studio so i could control the light. I needed more light going into the eye, consequently you would have seen more of the reflections, which were occurring in her eye. I like the angle i took the image at as you can see directly into the eye, and the whole eye itself. I dislike the image overall as it's too dark and needed more light, next time I'd also adjust the camera settings to ensure i was capturing as much light as possible in the image.


Final 5 Images- Reflection

Final 5 Images- Reflection:
This image is extremely structured, and leaves no room for imagination; however we can see the clouds are reflected in the glass structure. I chose this image as one of my straight 5 due to the fact it looks new and modern, the building is dark and dull, therefore you can focus on the reflection more.
I like this image as the reflections are distorted, due to the curving of the object- the colour of the object complies with the distortion as it's a unique colour. I also like the angle in which i photographed this as the height works well with the curved semi circles, it allows me to highlight the curves, therefore the distortion of the reflections.
This image of the car represents reflection well as the bonnet is a shiny material, therefore reflections can be made easier. Despite this due to it being a dull day you can only see the clouds reflection, as there's a minimal amount of sunlight. If i took this image again i'd shoot it closer up- to get more detail in from the reflection. 
In this image you can clearly see the reflection. The object in which the reflection is occurring is a mirror, therefore this is a clear reflection, however it is distorted slightly due to the curve of the vase. I like how in the reflection you can see all of the other lights, this makes it seem slightly magical/surreal.
This image is a basic photo of reflection. It's basic because it's merely a window with blacked-out perspex. The image isn't posed which i like as it's natural. The reflection is of everyday life, nothing special. The reflection in the window is dark, whereas the walls around this are light, therefore i like this contrast as it draws your eyes into the dark reflection, suggesting something bad is through the window. 

Reflection Contact Sheet

Reflection Contact Sheet:

Reflection Image Bank

Reflection Image Bank:

I like this image as the flamingos appear as if they're standing upside down in their reflections. In this image the water is extremely still, which shows a crisp reflection of the birds, appearing almost as if a mirror is underneath them- not water. I will attempt to recreate this image when i shoot by attempting to take an image of objects reflecting in still water.

I like this image as it shows how moving, chaotic water still can reflect objects well. The water in this image reflects the flower slightly distorted; whereas in the image of the flamingos they're reflected precisely. This inspires me to take an image whereby the reflection distorts the original image. 

This image is a slightly abstract representation of reflection. I like it as it makes the viewer question how this image was taken, therefore i believe it's more than merely a photograph as it makes you think. I would like to recreate an image like this in the studio as it would be easier to control the mirrors and lighting. 

This image shows how you can see reflection in everyday life, as it appears as though the cat is on a shiny work top table, stalking its prey. I like this image as it gives you a perception of what the cats prey would see from underneath him, once the cat pounces. I would like to recreate this image however i believe it'd be very hard as we do not have resources to obtain animals.

I like this image as the reflection is distorted due to the curved shape of the bubble, the colours are also saturated due to the liquid used to create the bubble itself. 

I like this image as although the people are reflected into the puddle you cannot see them in the real image above the shoes, you can only see their shoes. I would like to re-create this when i shoot, however i believe it may be edited.

Definition Of Reflection

Definition Of Reflection:

 Reflection is the throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it. Reflection is not a formal element, but, it is a vital consideration in framing a composition/establishing a balance. Reflection can be used abstractly. I believe reflection can be used in water especially as the water reflects whatever is on top of it, in addition windows can also reflect objects similarly. 

Adjectives & Synonyms for 'Reflection':

  • throwing back
  • thinking
  • imputation
  • aspersion
  • reproach
  • criticism
  • simular

This image represents reflection well as you can see a reflection in the surface of the glasses. This is interesting as you cannot see the scene apart from in the mans glasses-this draws your eye into the image.

This image represents reflection well as the reflection of the book almost complete the image, as it makes it into a whole circular figure.

  My own definition of reflection: When an image is identically reflected in another object.

Vivian Maier Research

Vivian Maier Research:

Vivan uses reflection often using mirrors, however not all her work includes mirror use as some of the images there's barely any reflection used at all. Vivians work is art to some people, however to others it may not be. Everyone will approach Vivian's work with different perceptions (social/historical/cultural.) I believe Vivian's work is art as she's capturing everyday events in photos. I believe Vivian includes herself in these images as it makes her unique, due to the fact nobody else includes themselves in their own photos. In addition, it was due to her loneliness. Vivian had no family, and she wanted to be remembered, consequently she photographed herself so she would be remembered in her images.
This image is not a photograph of Vivian; however, we could conclude that this is how she wishes she was, young again and carefree. Contrasting her current situation of loneliness. 

I like this image below as the reflection of the mirrors appears to create a tunnel. This could symbolise a tunnel in which Vivian wishes to travel down as she is lonely. This image also create a slightly creepy appeal as in the mirrors in the background she is seen to have her back towards the mirror, then she's facing it.

In this image Vivian is looking into what appears to be shop window, and photographs this so you can see her reflection. Vivian is expressing a monotone expression, which allows us to see her loneliness, as if she was happy and not lonely she would be smiling, not showing no emotion. This image almost creates a spooky atmosphere, as you do not know what she is starring at in the reflection. 

This image is similar to the one above, however in this image she is joined by a young girl. The girl and Vivian appear to have no relationship, as they do not appear to be close, or looking at each other. Both Vivian and the girl have monotone expressions. This image almost creates the sense that the girl is an imaginary friend of Vivian's, as Vivian is not looking at her- creating the question is the young girl really there?

This photograph is not of Vivian, but it's of a man whom appears to be homeless, and alone. This may be how Vivian possible views herself, as she usually focuses on self-portraits, therefore she may be implying this is her, as she too is lonely.