Thursday 7 January 2016

Image Manipulation

Image manipulation is image editing whereby an illusion/deception is created, it is much more obvious than usual editing, it may include placing things where they're not meant to be.

The above image creates a different perspective of the image, it's an inventive and creative way in portraying a small house on an island.  This image uses image manipulation to almost make you question your eyes, due to the image being so strange. I like this image as it makes the house become part of the fish. 

Image manipulation obtains ethical issues including:

  • the manipulation of someones face (e.g. a beauty model) creates misleading goals for girls to try an obtain
  • the result of a product may be enhanced, leading to false advertisement 
  • if you're documenting something it's arguable whether or not you should edit the image, as you're meant to document it factually
  • looses the 'natural' feeling of an image, giving a false representation
  • historical images are arguably wrong to manipulate as you're essentially 'changing history'
However, image manipulation is good:

  • when editing images for age appropriate audiences (e.g. news articles)
  • when giving people a self esteem boost (e.g. removing scars they may not want)
  • can enhance your personal images (e.g. eliminate unwanted light reflection)

The image on the right shows how image manipulation can be used to enhance looks. It's evident how the female has been made slimmer, and colour manipulation has been used to make her appear more tanned. This process occurs daily in the media, on various things such as magazine covers, advertisements and music albums. The image on the right portrays an artifical image, which is impossibly reached, this can damage young people, and cause eating problems/endless use of make-up, in an attempt to cover 'flaws.'   Despite this, the model may have been insecure and wanted her image to be manipulated, therefore this is a positive aspect of this. 

Industry where image manipulation is used:
  • fashion 
  • film
  • TV
  • music industry
  • sport
  • journalism 
  • nature photography
  • comedy photography
  • fine art
  • business
  • portraiture 

my own definition: the manipulation of an image in order to achieve a desired changed perception.

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