Wednesday 27 January 2016

Connecting Essay

Connecting Essay-

                                                                                                                       This image is one I found on the internet which is similar to my image below. In this image the photographer has made it appear as though the girl who is holding the mirror is also turning around in the image- this is an illusion. Due to the image being black and white it gives the image a slightly spooky appeal as she appears to have her head bowed, either in sadness or anger. Therefore, this leaves you questioning- why?

This image is the original photograph I took, before I photoshopped the body onto the mirror.
In this image it appears as though Jasmine is holding up a mirror with a reflection of herself in this; however, this is impossible as she is behind the mirror holding it up, this is an illusion. The facial area in this photograph is slightly overexposed, this is due to my camera settings, and the lighting in the studio. I used photoshop to create this image by cropping the original image I photographed of Jasmine's body, and then dragging it over onto this image, I then used cmd T to resize this image, and dragged this to the correct size. Overall, I like this image as it looks legitimate, however I would ensure Jasmine held the mirror straight next time, as the frame is slightly wonky, therefore it was hard for me to get the image to the correct size, to fit into the gap available. 

Overall, I believe the two different images link as they are both using deception. This is evident through how we have both used mirrors, which reflect the individual who is thought to be behind them, holding them. Our technique varies as my image is taken inside, in a studio, whereas the above image is photographed outside. Due to the over-exposure of my image it appears to also be slightly spooky, corresponding with the linking image, my image is spooky as the over-exposure makes it hard observe Jasmine's facial expression. 

1 comment:

  1. good analysis here well done, but be careful with your spelling.. (simular)
