Thursday 24 September 2015

Texture Image Bank

Texture Image Bank:

I chose this image as it represents texture well due to the rough and ragged edges of the material on the wall. This image portrays a sharp texture of the wall. It creates an almost angry and frustrated emotion as the unpredictable jagged edges of the wall in the image suggest how unpredictable anger can be.

I chose this image as it represents texture well as you can clearly see the texture of the crocodile's skin. The skin has a pattern in itself, which again creates texture too as you can see how the bumps would feel on your skin. the middle crocodile, and the one on the left clearly obtain different textures, these contrast each other nicely. 

This image is more subtle than some of the others in its portrayal of texture, as the lines aren't as varied or as deep, therefore we can see the stump of this tree would be smooth, however the dents from the cracks would also make it slightly bumpy. 

This image creates a rough texture, as the rocks appear hard and heavy. There's some jagged edges and some smoother ones on the rocks, this is a contrast. The fact the image is in black and white highlights the edges of the rocks and the texture they produce.

The elephant in this image has subtle wrinkles on its skin. The wrinkles are thin frail lines which portray a rough texture, which is also old and weathered. This image is particularly interesting as you don't normally see elephants this close up and we presume they have smooth skin, however this image highlights that this is not always the case.
This image is full of texture as the wood is weaved, it also appears slightly worn, therefore we can infer it's old and will not feel as smooth as it maybe would have previously done.

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