Thursday 17 September 2015

Line Image Bank

Line Image Bank:

I like this image as the curved lines in the ocean suggests tranquillity, this corresponds with the image itself (of water) as it looks calm in this picture. I believe this represents line well as the thickness of the lines shows different depths in the image, therefore this also shows how line can be used along side other elements.

this image of a leaf uses curved lines to again suggest calmness. I like how the swooping line from the edge of the leaf contrasts the direction of the other lines on the right hand side of the image. the lines are spread evenly apart which suggests order and organisation.

In this image curved and converging lines are used as the pathway gets smaller the further into the distance, implying the image is on going- taking you on a journey. Horizontal and vertical lines are also used in this image on the tiles on the pathway- this contrasts the curved lines.

Converging lines take your eye to the top of the imsge here and help draw you in. the cracks in the paint itself on the floor are also representative of the element line. The lines used to draw the road markings are vertical which suggest power and strength, which is ironic as they're cracked and weathered.

in this image diagonal lines are used to take you on a journey. they're extremely thin, structured lines which suggest organisation. In addition, the lines on the corn re diagonal and curved suggesting calmness/tranquillity. this is interesting as the picture is of a naturalistic object, consequently this image implies nature is calming.

Converging, vertical and curved lined are used in this image. the image is in black and white also which allows you to focus in on the lines more. the converging lines draw your eye to the bottom on the image. the lines are in an ordered fashion and spread evenly apart in a military style. the curved line around the edge of the clock contrasts this massively and the converging lines point you in the direction of looking at the clock.

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