Tuesday 29 September 2015

Form Contact Sheet

Form Image Bank

Form Image Bank:

I chose this image as i like the different shade used to help create form, due to this shade we can see how the flower curves, turning into the flower itself in the middle. This image has inspired me to take images of flowers when i go and shoot.

I like this image as you can see the smoothness of the white stones clearly, contrasting with the slightly rougher black stones. In addition, the contrast of black and white colours also reflects the different forms. The use of the light allows you to see that the stones are 3D and not 2D as you can see their shadows on the backdrop. 

I like this image as it's focused at the beginning of the leaf, but the end is blurred. The curved edges of leafs also shows form as you can see the image is 3D, and not 2D again. I particularly like the curved edges as it's unique to see. 

Form is shown in this image as you can clearly see the dip in the middle of the image, the different shades of red also help portray this. The light helps show form in this image as you can see the depth in the lines on the object due to this. 

This image helps show form as the light projects the shadows down on to the middle of the squares, as this image is taken from an angle it helps us see the shadows easier too as they're projected down into the squares again. We can clearly see the squares are 3D as in the distance they get smaller, whereas at the front they're bigger.

I like this image, it represents form well as the patterned vases cast shadows below which allows you to see that these vases are 3D. 

Definition Of Form

Form Definition:

Form is the visible shape or configuration of an object, it is the particular way it appears. Shading helps contribute to form.

Adjectives & Synonms for 'Form':
  • Shape
  • Design
  • Layout
  • Format
  • Outline
  • Exterior
  • Appearance
  • Arrangement
  • Construction
  • Structure
  • Formation
  • Configuration

I like this image of the pool balls as the light creates a shadow projected onto the table, this enhances the curved shape of the balls. This shows form as it allows you to see the balls are 3D.

I like how this image shows form as it's in black and white you can see the shadows easier, allowing your eyes to focus on the form aspect more. 

This image shows form as the shadows of the bark show how it's 3D, not a 2D image. 

This image shows form as on the back of the ladybirds backs you can see how they're 3D, the light hits the backs (the highlight area) and creates shadows below.

My own definition of form- how something may appear 3D, including shadows.

Thursday 24 September 2015

Work Diary&Progression- Pattern


We were given the task of photographing pattern. I found this interesting as it helped me to learn how pattern can be found in numerous places. For example this helped me to explore how nature portrays simplistic patterns, also I photographed complex patterns too, which are man made. 

A photograph I like:

This is my best image of the day as the stripes are an equal distance apart and they show a structured pattern. In addition. In this image the bricks on the floor also make a pattern, therefore there's a pattern inside a pattern. The road is also a pattern due to the tarmac. The horizontal lines of the road markings suggest calmness whereas the random vertical and horizontal lines of the bricks suggest chaos. Overall, i like this image as it's simple and portrays three different types of patterns, all in one image. 

A photograph I did not like:

This is my worst image of the day as i believe i should have focused more into the black ball as the background distracts you from the pattern itself. I'd also photograph the image so the ball was in the middle of the picture, as the main focus point. However, i do like the pattern of the ball as it's slightly chaotic although it does obtain a pattern. In addition i would have tried various angles (down below) to get more of the pattern in, as it would appear to open up into a ball.

If I was to reshoot I would ensure all of my images precisely portrayed pattern, so that I could deem my images to be successful. I would also ensure the pattern overtook the whole image, not just part of this. Moreover, I would also like to capture more natural and organic patterns. 

Final 5 Images- Pattern

Final 5 Images- Pattern:

In this image we can see the pattern is linear and structured. This is a generic pattern as it's symmetrical. I like how the light hits the top of the visors and creates a shadow underneath, this in itself is a pattern too. This is a man-made pattern.

This is not an easy pattern to see- as it's not linear or structured (like the pattern in the image above), however there's still a repeated pattern. I like this image as it is am abstract way of perceiving pattern, it's a freely scattered pattern however there's still structure to it as the leafs are straight lines.

I like this image as there's numerous patterns occurring. There's initially the stripes across the road which are a pattern and then there's also the pattern of the bricks on the path, which show both vertical and horizontal lines creating a zig-zag pattern overall. Lastly, there's the pattern of the gravel on the road which contrasts the linear patterns of the stripes and bricks.

This image's pattern creates disorder as the leafs have jagged edges which aren't structured or symmetrical. Although, despite this there's still a pattern present as the leafs edges are repeated. The edges of the leafs are all the same, showing how there's a free pattern present (not a structured one.) This is a natural pattern as the leafs are a part of nature.

This is a basic symmetrical, linear and structured pattern. The bricks are the most basic pattern i photographed today. The rectangles create a sense of order and structure as they're all evenly spread across the wall. 

Pattern Contact Sheet

Pattern Image Bank

Pattern Image Bank:

I chose this image as the random structure allows people to see how patterns don't have to be structured, they can also be free. The pattern is slightly geometric, and creates a mathematical appeal. 

This image is more of a generic pattern, it's symmetrical and linear. You can clearly see the pattern in this image.

I like the curved shapes in this pattern as it creates a smooth, structured, organised pattern.

I chose this image to represent pattern as although it's not symmetrical, there's still a pattern running through due to the same leaf image being repeated. 
This is a free pattern as the lines are random, however this still shows a pattern as the black lines are structured.
I admire how the photographer has used cars to create parallel leading lines, this also appears to be diagonal which takes you on a continuing journey. Due to the cars all being white it allow you to spot this pattern easier.

Definition Of Pattern


Pattern is a repeated, and decorative design which something is completed. It can be used on curtains, covers, books, chairs etc… patterns are basically used everywhere. Patterns can be structured and linear, however they can also be more free and random.

A free/random pattern:

A structured pattern:

I like this image as it's a natural pattern. The dark blue-green stands out in comparison to the other colours. This would be spread all over the bird, making it stand out due to the pattern of the repeated feathers. 

This image of the ladybird obtains a natural pattern, as the dots are reflected the same on each side of the ladybirds wings.

My own definition of pattern: when something is repeated or obtains a set structure, that's continuous which makes it easy to recognise.

Final 5 Images- Texture

Final 5 Images- Texture: