Tuesday 10 November 2015

Depth Image Bank

Depth Image Bank:

I like this image as the lines on the road are leading lines, therefore they carry your eye into the distance to the point of interest.

I like this image as the rock in the foreground is in focus, however the moutons and trees in he background are blurred, therefore it creates depth as you can see the trees/moutains are far away, in comparison to the rock.
This image creates depth has the lights in the background are blurred, therefore it enhances the depth component of the image. The first green light bulb is clearly in focus, allowing your eyes to understand how the others trail away further in the background.

This image shows shallow depth as the cats nose is close to the camera. The cats eyes have been blurred, allowing you to see how they're further away than its nose.
This image shows wide depth as the whole image is in focus. the walls help create the depth as you can see how they get smaller the further away they are.

The pathway is a leading line in itself, with further leading lines on it (planks of wood), this again creates a wide depth as the whole image is in focus. The end of the pier is the point of interest, as this is what your eyes focus on.

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