Tuesday 10 November 2015

Depth Definition

Depth Definition:

Depth of field is a measure of how much of a picture is in focus. A lens can only precisely focus on one plane at a time. However, there's always a certain amount of the picture in front of, and behind, this plane that also appears to be sharp. It is this zone of 'acceptable sharpness' that is the depth of field.
  1. Shallow Depth Of Field-
  2. Wide Depth Of Field-
Example of a shallow depth of field-

Example of a wide depth of field-

In this image you can see how by focusing on one of the figures, the others become blurry and therefore implies there's depth present. This image shows shallow depth, i could attempt to recreate this in the studio.

This image shows depth due to the leading line (path) taking your eye to the focal point, which implies depth is present as the trees and scenery also gets smaller he further down the leading line you go (further into the background.) This image shows a wide depth of field.

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